Your reflection should include:
- Discuss how technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths.
2. Describe several ways in which you can get students’ minds ready for a project.
Identifying student's previous knowledge has and is always a necessary first step when planning any project or lesson. Engaging students is the next step for getting students' minds ready. Students need to see the value in learning the material and be able to explore and think about the topic both in and outside of the classroom setting. We can also do this by grabbing their attention through thought-provoking events. Some activities that can be used are role-playing, making predictions, and KWL charts. Students can start to learn and visualize the learning process ahead if students are able to see the importance of a topic. Next, make a list of the possibilities the way the project can be introduced and approached. This includes questions that need to be asked to promote higher-order level thinking. Questions that need a simple yes or no answer will not do a sufficient enough job and will flatten the learning process very shortly.
3. Discuss the elements of teaching fundamentals first.
One element that needs to be addressed for is the previous knowledge or skills that students will need in order to work independently and successfully. By identifying what the students known and do not know for yourself and for the students, they are able to make sense of this information and create a place to build and learn from. Organization of thoughts and information is a key part for students. Another fundamental element would be to share the rubric you will be grading them from. This will provide the students with no surprises when working on the project.
4. Describe the important steps in preparing students for using technology in project.
One of the ways that teachers can do to help prepare students for the use of technology in the project is by allowing the students to explore technology with and among themselves. Also recognizing what the students already know so that valuable time is not spent re-teaching what the students already know how to do. Students can also be used as resources to teach one another. Stations are a great way to help students learn many different techniques in a short amount of time. Checklists and procedures need to be set in place from the start so that students become aware of what is expected of them from botht eproject but also while they are using technology. Demonstrations can aslo be used to help show students processes and tools within technology.
5. Discuss ways to promote inquiry and deep learning.
Teachers need to be guided and prompted with questins but also encouraged to create their own questions and plan their own investigations. Question starters can be used to help students develop further questions and ideas they have. Teachers can also provide a structure and environment where students are comfortable to ask questions and explore throughout the project.
6. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
Safety and setting up technology will be a necessity for students as they start their learning process. We also need to identify students' previous knowledge, ideas, and questions they have before we delve into a project. Teachers also need to ask what their curious about and relate these curosities to activities that can engage our students into the project. The more student engagement we have in the classroom, the more learning will take place.