Chapter 11, Bring It Home, of Reinventing Project-Based Learning, p. 157
to185. (4/13/12)
Describe what occurs as a result
of using the Project-based learning approach.
A reflection piece among both the students and yourself is also essential.
A lot of planning time has been put into the project, and therefore revisions
and alterations can be evident only if we spend the same amount of time
reflecting upon the structure and process. By being involved in a project-based
learning approach, you are not an essential resource for other colleagues who
value the teaching strategy. Other teachers who are using the same approach can
also debrief and reflect upon the best ideas that they found would improve the
project even more. Different communication tools can be used for this dialogue.
Sharing the strengths and weaknesses are both an effective teacher strategy so
that learning experiences are developing for not only the students but the
teacher as well.
Discuss ways to “bring your
project home”.
Some ways to “bring your project home” would be collaborating with your
colleagues about the improvements and strengths of the project. Sharing the
project with community members, parents, and students are also a way to help
bring the project home for as these are all important to do after all of the
hard work. You can also enter your project into contests that allow you to
share your best work. Receiving feedback from other members is important and
can help highlight your accomplishments as well as provide insight into
constructive criticism.
Discussion on how concepts in this
chapter relate to your topic/project.
Sharing our projects and collaborating with colleagues will be a part of
the project that is done before, during and after the project has starting.
Allowing community members and others to view our projects to provide feedback
and share our accomplishments will also be a part of our project. It is
essential for the teachers but also the students that projects are shared and
displayed for others to view. Entering these projects into contests will also
be an opportunity for students to participate in. If they see their best work
forward, we will give them this choice.